Whipped Goat Cheese Prosciutto Cups

Prep Time
50 minutes

Total Time
1 hour, 15 minutes

  • 6-ounces thinly sliced prosciutto (about 12 pieces)
  • 4-6 ounces herbed goat cheese
  • 2 tablespoons cream or milk
  • Chives
  • Black pepper
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Cut prosciutto lengthwise to make 24 strips. Line each cup of a mini-muffin tin with a slice of prosciutto to form a cup and bake for 10 to 12 minutes or until firm and crisp. Cool in muffin tin before handling.
  3. Using a hand mixer or food processor, whip goat cheese with cream until smooth and fluffy, adding more liquid for desired consistency. Transfer mixture to a plastic sandwich bag, trim corner, and pipe goat cheese filling into each prosciutto cup.
  4. To serve, sprinkle with chives or black pepper.

Yield: 24 servings